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The Power of Community Empowerment in Global Aid
December 14, 2023 at 6:00 AM
by PairsGlobalAid

Welcome to our latest blog post! At Precious Pairs Global Aid, we believe in the transformative power of community empowerment as a cornerstone of effective global aid. In this post, we delve into how our approach makes a tangible difference in the communities we serve.

Here you can find the blog posts on disasters all over the world, made by our dedicated volunteers. Each month we highlight a blog post that was made to be featured on our website.

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This post is made by our amazing Blog volunteer Dr.Tejsharani Beeram

A heatwave is an extended period of abnormally high temperatures lasting for more than

two consecutive days. The classification of a heatwave is based on the maximum

temperature of a station, which is considered to be 40°C or more for Plains and 30°C or

more for Hilly regions.

During the summer of 2022, Europe experienced several heatwaves, which were attributed

to a range of factors, namely climate change and atmospheric conditions. Southern Europe

was particularly affected by intense heat, raising concerns about health, agriculture, and

wildfires. Tragically, heat-related causes claimed the lives of 62,862 individuals in Europe,

with the highest number of heat-attributable deaths occurring in Italy (18,010), followed by

Spain (11,324) and Germany (8,173).

Heatwaves can lead to various heat-related illnesses and health conditions that range from

mild discomfort to severe and life-threatening conditions, including Heat Exhaustion,

Heatstroke, Dehydration, Heat Cramps, and Exacerbation of Chronic medical conditions

such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory illnesses, and renal disorders. These ailments

can lead to complications and increased morbidity and mortality. Additionally, heat waves

can have psychological effects such as anxiety, stress, and mood disturbances, especially

in vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and individuals with pre-existing

mental health conditions.

The heatwaves in Europe in 2022 were primarily driven by a combination of natural weather

patterns and human-induced climate change. The rising global temperatures are attributed

to greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities such as the combustion of

fossil fuels for transportation, electricity generation, and industrial processes. These

activities release carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,

enhancing the greenhouse effect and exacerbating heatwave events. Deforestation reduces

the number of trees that can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, leading to higher levels of

greenhouse gases and contributing to global warming. Industrial processes such as

manufacturing, mining, and construction can release greenhouse gases and heat-trapping

pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change and extreme heatevents.

Improper disposal of waste, particularly organic waste, can lead to the release of methane

as it decomposes in landfills, further amplifying climate change and heatwave intensity.

Natural causes such as stagnant weather patterns can lead to the buildup of hot air masses

over a region, resulting in prolonged periods of extreme heat waves. Anomalously warm sea

surface temperatures, such as those in the Mediterranean Sea, can contribute to the

intensity of heat waves by providing additional heat and moisture to the atmosphere.

Long-term climate oscillations, such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the

Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), can influence temperature patterns over extended

periods, potentially contributing to heatwaves. While these natural factors play a role in the

occurrence of heatwaves, it is important to note that human-induced climate change is

amplifying the frequency, intensity, and duration of heatwaves.

During the heatwaves in Europe in 2022, various steps were taken by governments,

organisations, and individuals to manage the impacts and protect public health and safety.

These included HeatHealth Warning Systems, Cooling Centers, Public Health Campaigns,

and Water Supply Management.

Heat Health Warning Systems are established by many Europeancountries to alert the

public and relevant authorities to the risks associated with extreme heat. These systems

often include tiered alerts based on forecasted temperatures, guiding necessary actions to

take to stay safe. Cooling Centers were set up in public buildings such as libraries,

community centres, and shopping malls to provide relief for those without access to air

conditioning. These centres offer air-conditioned spaces where people can escape the heat

and stay hydrated. Public Health Campaigns were launched to raise awareness about the

dangers of heat-related illnesses and to provide guidance on staying safe during

heatwaves. These campaigns often emphasise the importance of staying hydrated,

avoiding strenuous outdoor activities during peak heat hours, and checking on vulnerable

individuals such as the elderly and those with chronic health conditions. Water Supply

Management authorities implemented measures to ensure an adequate water supply during

heatwaves, such as implementing water conservation measures and increasing monitoring

of water quality to prevent contamination.

In general, the management of heatwaves involves a combination of preparedness,

response, and mitigation strategies at various levels, including government, community, and

individual actions. It is important to raise public awareness about global warming and its

negative impact on the environment. Encouraging the usage of public transport whenever

possible instead of automobiles and implementing policies and regulations aimed at

reducing greenhouse gas emissions can also help in mitigating climate change. Cities can

incorporate green spaces, parks, and trees into their urban planning to provide shade and

cooling effects. Additionally, designing buildings with heat-resistant materials, green roofs,

and adequate ventilation can also help reduce indoor temperatures. It is also important to

establish early warning systems and heat action plans to help communities prepare for and

respond to heat waves. Promoting afforestation and reforestation programs can help

mitigate the urban heat island effect and reduce temperatures in cities and urban areas.

Trees and vegetation also help absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and provide shade, which

makes them an effective solution. By following these strategies and taking proactive

measures to manage heat waves, individuals and communities can reduce the risk of

heat-related illnesses and fatalities during periods of extreme heat.







The Devastating Impact of Recent Floods in Dubai and Storms in the US

Blog Post by Evaline Wanjiru

The world has been witnessing an increase in extreme weather events, with recent floods in Dubai and storms ravaging parts of the United States serving as stark reminders of the vulnerability of communities to natural disasters. In recent days, Dubai experienced unprecedented floods, while the United States faced severe storms, causing widespread destruction and disruption.

Causes of the Floods and Storms

A. Environmental Factors

The floods in Dubai and storms in the US were exacerbated by environmental factors such as heavy rainfall and strong winds, which overwhelmed existing drainage systems and caused widespread flooding.

B. Climate Change Impact

The impact of climate change cannot be overlooked in these events, as rising global temperatures contribute to more frequent and intense weather phenomena, leading to increased risks of flooding and storms.

Impact on Dubai and the US

A. Damage to Infrastructure

The floods in Dubai resulted in significant damage to roads, buildings, and other infrastructure, disrupting daily life and economic activities. Similarly, the storms in the US destroyed homes, power outages, and road closures, posing challenges to recovery efforts.

B. Displacement of People

Thousands of residents in Dubai were forced to evacuate their homes due to rising floodwaters, while in the US, communities faced evacuation orders as the storms threatened their safety. The displacement of people highlights the human cost of such disasters.

Response and Recovery Efforts

A. Government Initiatives

In both Dubai and the US, government authorities swiftly mobilized response teams and allocated resources for rescue and relief operations. Emergency shelters were set up to provide temporary accommodation for displaced individuals and families.

B. Non-profit Organizations Initiatives

Non-profit Organizations came together to support during these challenging times, volunteering in clean-up efforts, providing donations, and offering assistance to those in need. The solidarity shown reflects the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Importance of Preparedness

The recent events underscore the importance of being prepared for natural disasters, including investing in resilient infrastructure, implementing early warning systems, and conducting regular drills to ensure swift response and evacuation procedures.

Mitigation Strategies

Efforts to reduce the impact of floods and storms must be intensified, including measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect natural habitats, and enhance flood defenses. Collaboration between governments, communities, and international organizations is essential to address the root causes of climate change and build a more sustainable future.


The floods in Dubai and storms in the US serve as urgent reminders of the need for collective action to mitigate the impacts of climate change and build resilience against natural disasters. By learning from these experiences and implementing effective strategies, we can strive to create safer and more sustainable communities for future generations.

Unique FAQs

Q: Are floods and storms becoming more frequent due to climate change?

  1. A: Yes, scientific evidence suggests that climate change is leading to more frequent and intense extreme weather events, including floods and storms.

Q: What can individuals do to prepare for natural disasters?

  1. A: Individuals can prepare by creating emergency kits, developing evacuation plans, staying informed about weather forecasts, and participating in community preparedness initiatives.

Q: How can communities support recovery efforts after floods and storms?

  1. A: Communities can support recovery efforts by volunteering in clean-up activities, providing donations to affected families, and offering emotional support to those in need.

Q: What role does government play in responding to natural disasters?

  1. A: Governments play a crucial role in responding to natural disasters by coordinating rescue and relief operations, providing emergency services, and allocating resources for recovery efforts.

Q: How can we address the root causes of climate change to prevent future disasters?

  1. A: Addressing the root causes of climate change requires global cooperation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and adopt sustainable practices across sectors.

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